Everyone is an athlete, the difference is that some of us are in training while others are not.
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“Mark has tailored specific training programs to ensure peak physical fitness and strength and has continued to change the sessions to ensure that they remain challenging and interesting”
— Nadine
Frequently Asked Questions
PT will ensure that you are maximising your time commensurately with your allocated exercise time and thereby hasten your results!
Not necessarily unless you can afford 2-3 sessions per week…..Combining both into a structured and well monitored exercise regime can be immensely beneficial.
Applying what you learn from your PT at the Gym is a ideal way to proceed and a step to success.
Variety, cross training and exercise adherence.
Functional exercise used by all good PT,s is transferable but specific equipment requirements will need to be discussed between client and trainer. A PT will often suggest a alternative to your fav that you were not aware of.
The discipline of turning up when not really feeling like training can work wonders both mentally and physically. The support and empathy can be vital!
Depends on your goals. Ideally the correct balance between the two should be chosen and advised by your trainer. NB - you can’t out-run a bad diet!
PT gets the ball rolling by taking the guesswork out if it and is ideal when first starting out due to the huge learning curve. You want to start off on the right foot don’t you?
Unless you can afford multiple 2 or more sessions a week joining the Gym to supplement your PT sessions is ideal.
Seek the services of a PT to get you back on track by maximising the time that you are able to spend on exercise.
Seek out a PT and join a gym. Be proactive and get moving.
Immediately! You feel better after exercise right. The benefits compound the more you do!
No, you can look better without being fitter. The two often get confused.
General question, general answer - Depends on what you enjoy! You don’t, put sand into your petrol tank do you and expect your car to run smoothly…….?